Worshiping and serving Jesus in Santa Cruz

We’re glad you’re here!

We’re a congregation with humble gratitude for God's love and compassion for others.  We embrace the reality that God so loved the world that He sent His only Son, Jesus, so that we might have life, have it abundantly, and eternally.
We welcome everyone to join us in celebrating Jesus as we travel our journey of faith.

Sunday Services

9:30 am — Adult Bible Study
9:45 am — Praise Team Rehearsal
10:30 am — Welcome Fellowship Coffee
11:00 am — Worship Service



411 Roxas St.
Santa Cruz, CA  95062
(831) 423-1080

Learn more about our declaration of faith.

Our Beliefs

We believe in God the Father, creator of the world and everything within.  We believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, who came into the world to bring salvation to all humankind.  We believe He is the Son of God, born into history, fully human and yet fully God.  We believe that He lived among us, working miracles, and teaching how to live according to His Father’s will.  We believe in the Holy Spirit, who lives within us individually and works among the believers of the church, and who guides us with wisdom and gives strength and comfort in our times of need.  We believe that these are three divine persons yet united in one holy and indivisible God.

We believe in salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We believe that all humankind shares in  sin that separates us from God, and that Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of those sins. He was raised from the dead to reveal the nature of our salvation, which is the gift of God, given by grace, and accepted by us through our faith in Jesus. We live according to His teachings and believe


that He will come again to complete the work of salvation He has begun in the world.

We believe in the Bible as the true Word of God, inspired by His Spirit and given to us to reveal the truth about His love for us and teach us how to live as His people. In study of His word, we uphold the act of baptism, where the immersion in water is symbolic of the resurrection we share in our new life in Christ. We proclaim our faith in Christ by sharing the Lord’s Supper, where we share in the bread and the cup as a time of reflection on Jesus’ sacrificial death, gratitude for the forgiveness we have been given, and celebration of our place in the body of Christ.  We believe that the Church was created to be the family of God, made up of all believers who share faith in Christ, and that we, as Christians, are meant to be together in fellowship with each other within the Church.  We believe in living out a personal relationship with Jesus by following his teachings to show love and compassion, to practice kindness, and to share the hope we have within us.
